CS 4501 Computer Vision (Spring 2025)

University of Virginia

Course Description

The ability to perceive the visual 3D world is critically important for humans and has extensive applications in robotics, graphics, virtual/augmented reality, and more. This course will delve into the foundational concepts and recent advancements at the intersection of machine learning and computer vision. In particular, we will cover the following topics in this course:

  • Fundamentals of computer vision: image formation, camera models
  • Machine learning basics: datasets, objective function, optimizer, neural network architectures
  • Low-level vision: edge detection, image filtering, signal processing
  • Mid-level vision: depth and surface normal estimation, optical flow, image matching
  • 3D vision: classical multiview geometry, 3D representations
  • High-level recognition: image classification, object detection, semantic segmentation, 3D recognition
  • Generative modeling: generative adversarial networks, diffusion models, image/video/3D generation
  • Biological vision: human and animal visual development
  • Applications of computer vision: computer cision meets robotics, language, and science

Course Objective

Upon the completion of this course, the students should:

  • understand the fundamental concepts in computer vision and machine learning;
  • be equipped with math and machine learning tools to solve computer vision problems
  • have a big picture of the history and recent trends in computer vision;
  • learn how to communicate and collaborate in computer vision projects, and how to present efficiently;

Course Staff

Zezhou Cheng

Instructor: Zezhou Cheng

Email: zc3bp@virginia.edu

Office hour: 4:00-5:00pm Tuesday

Location: Rice hall, Room 502

Lab: Computer Vision Lab @ UVA

Xuweiyi Chen

TA: Xuweiyi Chen

Email: xuweic@email.virginia.edu

Office hour: 9:00-10:30am Thursday

Location: TBA

Lab: Computer Vision Lab @ UVA

Jin Yao

TA: Jin Yao

Email: rry4fg@virginia.edu

Office hour: 10:00-11:00am Wednesday

Location: Zoom link

Lab: Computer Vision Lab @ UVA

Course Platforms

  • Ask questions, look for teammates, check out announcements on Piazza
  • Submit assignments, presentation slides, or project reports on Gradescope
  • Give us (anonymous) feedbacks on Canvas

Time and Location

  • Dates: 01/13/2025 - 04/29/2025
  • Meets: MoWeFr 2:00PM - 2:50PM
  • Room: Olsson Hall 120, Main Campus


The course material borrows heavily from the following seminar lectures: